Our habits are what make our lives and it’s important that we are constantly creating the best habits possible for ourselves.
If you don’t think that you have good habits right now, not to worry! The great thing about habits is that they can be changed, developed, and relearned at any given time, with a little bit of time, effort, and consistency.
You can make your daily habits anything you want them to be. And this in turn helps you decide what kind of person you want to be and what you want to work towards.
If your daily habits right now don’t align with the vision you have for yourself then it sounds like it might be time to change them and learn some new ones.
Here are our very best tips on how to do that.
Pick the right habits – Align them with your goals
It’s key that when we are picking what habits we want to stick to that we pick the right habits for us and our goals.
If we pick the wrong goals, they will be more difficult to stick to and we won’t see the improvements that we want to see, leading to disappointment and giving up quicker.
When you are deciding on what new habits you would like to start, try and think long-term. What will those habits build up to over time? How will they benefit you? How will they reach your goals?
If you can’t see a long-term reason for a habit and pick it simply because it is trendy or seems like a good idea, there is really no point.
Be consistent and keep a tracker
Habits are created over time and they are created with consistency.
If we start a habit and stop it again, start and stop again, chop and change, and so on, we will never get anywhere.
We need to be consistent, ideally practising every day, with our new habits so that we can really make them part of our lives.
A great way to do this is to use a tracker to motivate you and to help you stay accountable. You can do this with simple, old-fashioned modes such as a whiteboard in your office or a piece of paper stuck on your fridge. Or, you can be a little more tech-savvy and go for one of the many different apps out there.
Either way, keeping track will make a big difference to your progress over time.
Balance hard work and reward
When it comes to starting new habits that might be a little tough, such as exercise or cutting out coping mechanisms i.e. scrolling, you should always try and implement little rewards for yourself through this process.
It can’t be all work and no play and if you don’t reward yourself, you might find yourself feeling a little down and overworked.
Stick to your habits but stick to treating yourself with rewards too.
It’s all about balance and it’s all about an overall healthier lifestyle, that’s all it is.