What are positive affirmations?
Positive affirmations can be defined as,
positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging  and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes
They can take the form of the written word, spoken word, or internal thought.
It might sound like something a little silly, or like something you think would never have a chance of working. But using positive affirmations every day is a practice that can really help you feel happier, healthier, and generally more positive. You can tweak and tailor them to help you meet more specific goals that you have in life, and we can talk a little more about that later, but the overall consensus is that they are helpful little tools to help you live your life in the way that you want. All the while getting rid of (or quietening) your inner critic.
Isn’t that what we all want?
Using positive affirmations would come under the umbrella of self-help and self-improvement, and they are recognised by professionals in all different streams of life, including life coaching and counselling.
You might not believe in their power just yet, but once you give them a go (really give them a go), you can see in a very short period of time just how transformative they can be.
Let’s talk a little more about exactly how you can use positive affirmations in your own life so that you might get some of these amazing benefits associated with them.
How do I use positive affirmations in my everyday life?
The main 3 ways to use positive affirmations are to
- write them down
- recite them interally
- recite them out loud
Most people will tend to use a combination of all 3, especially if they really want them to be effective in getting deep into their subconscious.
So, let’s give a concrete example.
Say you wanted to be more assertive in life. You are struggling with standing up for yourself and saying how you really feel to other people. Maybe there is a confrontation or a conflict that you have been avoiding because you feel scared or worried, but deep down you know that you need to speak up for yourself in order for your circumstances to change.
Something that you could do to help yourself build the assertiveness that you want in life is to use positive affirmations on a regular basis to help you achieve this mental state.
Some examples you could use are:
- I am easily assertive
- I deserve to stand up for myself
- When I speak, it comes freely and easily
- I have great power and strength
- I am confident and other people can see that
- I am successful in getting what i need and want
- People will listen to me when I speak
If you make it a daily habit to write down positive affirmations like these, say them out loud, and/or recite them in your brain, you have a great chance of developing the assertiveness that you want, over time. Of course, there is always more work that you can do outside of this, and it isn’t to say that all of life’s issues can be rewritten with affirmations, but there is a lot of validity in their usage and you really would be surprised at how much changing your thoughts can change your behaviours and the outer circumstances of your life.
Often we don’t realise how many negative things we think and say about ourselves on a daily basis.
This negativity gets deep into our brains and stays there. Affecting how we feel and act, which in turn affects our lives on a greater scale.
One of the very best things we can do for ourselves is to get into our brains and rewrite these negative patterns with brand new positive ones. Positive thinking can take us much further in life than negative or pessimistic thinking can.
Positive affirmations can be a really great foundation for more long-term positive thinking to build and grow.
All from a couple of minutes spent each day in practice.
A really handy tip you can use is listening to affirmations on audio recordings while you relax or sleep. There are lots of options on Spotify, YouTube, podcasts, tapes, and more. Check some out and fire them on while you sleep, you never know what will seep into your brain with no effort from you required.
What are some examples of good positive affirmations?
Here are some positive affirmations from us to you.
Feel free to use them every day and improve your life just a little bit at a time.
You can thank us later!
- I choose to be happy
- Happiness flows easily for me
- I can find happiness in every day
- The little moments can make me happy
- I deserve to be happy
- I am attracting love by being who I am
- I love myself first and the rest follows
- I am safe and comfortable in love
- My partner loves me and I deserve it
- Love is easy
- Love is safe
- I am good enough as I am
- I deserve to feel good
- I am so lucky to be me
- I am proud of what I am showing to the world
- I show up for myself
- I decide who gets to take up my time
- I am growing through all the difficult days
- Pain makes me wiser and stronger
- I am better than I was yesterday
- I am able to be the best version of myself every day
- I trust my journey
- I am growing every day and enjoying it too
- I am where I need to be right now
- I am happy to see where things go
- I am enough just as I am
- I can be happy with what I have in life
- I have everything I need already
Feel better already?
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