We live in a generation that likes themselves less than ever before.
More and more people are referring themselves to counsellors, buying self-help books, and taking part in self-development so that they can escape the negative cycle of not liking themselves enough.
This is pretty sad, right? We shouldn’t have to feel this way.
There are a lot of things within our society on which we could place the blame for this phenomenon, but that isn’t the objective of this blog. Our aim here is to help you start to find ways to like and love yourself, and to stop this negative cycle right in its tracks.
We don’t need to analyse it to help make it better.
Here are 3 things you can try to begin the journey of self-like and self-love.
Avoid social media and comparisons

Social media can be the root of a lot of shame and feelings of inadequacy. If we are feeling that we don’t like ourselves, one of the potential reasons for this is that we are comparing ourselves too often to other people around us or on the Internet.
Comparison is the killer of all happiness.
One of the things we need to learn if we want to truly like ourselves is that we are individuals and that is a strength, not a weakness. If we chase comparison, we will be chasing forever with no satisfaction.
It isn’t to say that all social media is necessarily evil and to be avoided 100% of the time, but taking a good, long break and reevaluating your relationship with social media is one of the very best things you can do for yourself.
Spend time alone

In order to like ourselves, we need to know ourselves and who we are. We can only do this if we spend ample time alone.
If you are struggling with self-identity right now it might the case that you are being overcrowded by other people and their wants, needs, and personalities. It is an act of self-love in itself to know we need more time to ourselves and to go out and take it.
The more time we spend alone the more we find out about ourselves and what we want, then, the more we can out and assert our boundaries and stand up for ourselves.
This is a radical and motivating way to begin to like ourselves.
Go to counselling

It might seem like a big step, but it isn’t as drastic as you think, you don’t need to be mentally unwell to see a counsellor.
If you are struggling with liking yourself, there might be a lot of things lying dormant that you need to deal with. The best way to do this is in a safe, controlled environment where you can be appropriately listened to and understood.
Having counselling can really help you learn about yourself, grow and develop into a more confident and self-loving person.
It might be tricky for you to take the initial step of reaching out to a counsellor and starting the process, but once you do, you will be glad and grateful for the rest of your life that you did.
We all deserve to like and love ourselves, and so we should all take the necessary steps to get there.