When the New Year rolls around, many of us have very good intentions for the year ahead. We want to get fitter, learn a new skill, eat healthier, make new friends, have a better relationship, and all of that good stuff.
But how many of us actually stick to it?
According to the statistics, not nearly enough of us.
Some main reasons for this are a lack of accountability, no way of monitoring progress, and picking the wrong goals. The last one is a little tricky for us to fix for you, but we can work on the first two.
And we can do that through journaling.
Journalling is simply the process of keeping a diary or notebook in which you write about your day or week, in which you write about your feelings and moods, or in which you keep a track of things that or going on in your life. There are lots of different ways to journal and each journal kept by a person will look very different across the board.
It is a creative process and a reflective tool, and keeping it up as a habit can really help us in a myriad of ways, especially when it comes to sticking to our goals.
If you want to start journaling in 2022 it is very simple. Let’s talk you through it.
First, get a journal that you like. Some people will prefer pre-set and pre-designed journals in which there are designated places to write about designated things, with prompts and planners. Others will prefer to have free range within their journal and they will be better off with a blank notebook. Whichever way works for you is fine, everyone will be different.
Secondly, think of what your main goals are. Do you want to feel less stressed? Do you want to track your workouts? Do you want to meal plan in advance? Do you want to keep better track of your schedule? Whatever your specific goals are will affect how you use your journal and only you will know what these are. A great way to start your journal can be simply writing out these goals in the beginning.
Thirdly, get into a good journaling habit that works for you. The only way that things make a difference in our lives is if we establish them as a habit. We need to find a place in our day that we can regularly journal and stick to it, to make sure we are able to be consistent and therefore form a habit. It doesn’t have to be a long period of the day, it just matters that it is something you stick to every day, or every other day, if possible.
If you can form this habit and keep journaling, you will see results pretty quickly. It is a great way to stay organised, keep relaxed, and fix your goals. All things that we really need going into a brand new year.